Lee-Scott Academy is a college preparatory school offering a quality education in an environment where students are protected, nurtured, and challenged with biblical, Christ-centered principles that promote the development of the total person. The pursuit of excellence in academics is the hallmark of the Academy, complemented by opportunities to participate in programs that encourage student success.
Keys to the Mission
College Preparatory
Lee-Scott Academy offers classes specifically designed to prepare its graduates for entrance to and success at the college level. The curriculum is designed to challenge students to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in college and in life.
Quality Education
The academic goal of Lee-Scott Academy is to equip students for achievement through the acquisition of knowledge and the development of their abilities. To this end, Lee-Scott Academy provides a faculty distinguished by the competence, qualifications, dedication, and personal character of its members. The Academy strives to provide the faculty and staff with the facilities, equipment, curriculum material, and support essential to accomplish this goal.
Lee-Scott Academy strives to offer an environment that is safe, enjoyable, caring, and stimulating. This unique environment is designed to nurture the growth of balanced, responsible, and dedicated young people. A vital part of this environment is the active participation of parents and families.
Christ-centered Principles
Central to the success of Lee-Scott Academy and its mission are the Christ-centered principles and biblical worldview upon which the Academy was founded. Biblical principles are derived from the inerrant and inspired word of God and serve as the basis for the expected conduct of students at Lee-Scott Academy. On this foundation, the Board of Trustees, administration, and faculty strive to implement a total educational process that reflects the Mission and glorifies God.
Total Person
The Academy emphasizes the development of each student in all areas of life: mental, physical, spiritual, and social.
Pursuit of Excellence
Lee-Scott Academy is committed to the pursuit of excellence in academics. Excellence in all of life is encouraged by helping each student develop purpose, Godly character, responsibility, leadership, respect for authority, and appreciation for our nation’s heritage and our free enterprise system.
Student Success
Lee-Scott Academy recognizes that each student has great worth and significance. The Academy thus offers a variety of athletic and extracurricular programs that afford students the opportunity for meaningful growth and fulfillment of their talents and gifts.
About the Board of Trustees
What is the role of the Board of Trustees?
Lee-Scott Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization governed by an independent, self-perpetuating Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is composed of 16 men and women. The Board determines the LSA mission and strategic goals and oversees the school’s financial health, approving the school’s annual budget, and overseeing the school’s physical assets and development efforts. The Board selects, evaluates, and supports the Head of School.
The Board does not get involved in the day-to-day operations of the school, disciplinary or personnel issues, or admissions decisions – which are the responsibility of the Head of School.
Key activities of the Board include:
- Planning – Developing and monitoring the LSA strategic plan and the school’s progress toward meeting its goals and objectives
- Finance – Stewarding the school’s financial assets and approving the LSA annual budget, which includes setting tuition
- Collaboration – Supporting, retaining, and advising the Head of School
The Board of Trustees meets monthly during the school year. These meetings typically include reports from the school administration and from Board committees addressing matters that require the Board’s attention.
What is the role of the Board with respect to the Head of School?
The Board, with the Head, creates the school’s strategic plan. The Head and Admin Leadership team are responsible for overseeing its implementation. The Head also works in partnership with the Board to establish and refine the school’s mission and articulate that mission to students, faculty and staff, parents, alumni, and the community. The Head alone is responsible for collaborating with faculty and staff to develop and maintain the academic programs that fulfill the school’s mission. The Head deals directly with parent needs and concerns while also responsible for the management of the school’s regular operations.
How is the Board different from the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)?
The Parent Teacher Organization is composed of all students’ parents and guardians. The role of the PTO is to serve as a liaison between the school and the parent community, collaborating to sustain a healthy community. Its work is accomplished by an Executive Committee and chairpersons coordinating a wide array of volunteer opportunities.
How is the work of the Board carried out?
There are five standing Board committees: Governance, Property, Finance, Education and Strategic Planning. Committee meetings are held separately from the full Board on a regular basis and generally work to research and develop recommendations on issues of importance to the school. Board members typically serve on one or two committees. Most committees include the Head who participates as a liaison between the school and Board.
What does each committee do?
- Executive – Composed of board officers who are responsible for board management and setting of meeting agendas
- Property – Oversee and report on operations and maintenance of the facilities and grounds
- Finance – Composed of the executive team; responsible for annual budget, financial planning and strategy
- Education Policy and Technology – Review policies and academic programs; technology support and oversight
- Governance – Review policies and procedures; board education and orientation; nominate new members of the Founders Board
- Strategic Planning – Develop and craft the implementation of the school’s strategic plan
- Nominating – Composed of executive team members in conjunction with governance committee, identify potential board members for future vacancies
How does one become a Board member?
Trustees to fill the expired terms shall be elected no later than the annual May meeting. The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) may nominate up to three individuals for the Board to consider as candidates for Trustee positions. The remaining expiring terms, and all other unfilled terms, shall be filled by nominees from the Board of Trustees. The Board will elect all Board members whether they are nominees from the PTO or the Board. Nominations may come from a variety of sources. All nominations shall be presented to the Board of Trustees by the Nominating Committee. Recommendations made by the Nominating Committee regarding Board membership shall lay over at least one meeting of the Board before it acts on such recommendations.
Any vacancy (excluding the immediate Past President position) occurring in the Board of Trustees shall be filled by the remaining Board of Trustees. Any Trustee selected to fill a vacancy shall be elected by vote of the Board of Trustees for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor in office.

Head of School
Dr. Stan Cox
Board of Trustees
Mrs. Jenny Fuqua, President
Mr. Jason Forbus, Vice President
Mr. Pate Huguley, Treasurer
Mr. Russell Harris, Secretary
Mr. Elliott MacIsaac, Immediate Past President
Mr. Collin Carter
Dr. Matthew Dobbs, MD
Mrs. Mandy Harrelson
Mr. Rodney King
Mr. Justin Lambert
Dr. George Liles, DMD
Mrs. Julie Melton
Mr. William Scott
Mrs. Bonnie Short
Dr. Hayley Welsh, DMD
Founders Board
Mr. David Scott, Chairman
Mr. Tutt Barrett
Mrs. Nancy Davis
Mr. Charles Ellis
Mrs. Jayne Gunter
Mrs. Ann Hillyer
Mr. Barry Hood
Mrs. Dora James
Mr. Al Johnston
Mr. Russ Lester
Mr. Scotty Lett
Mr. Milt Pointer
Mrs. Martha Jean Starr
Mrs. Beth Stewart
Mrs. Debra Whatley